Cut the BS

I just want to ask you a direct, straightforward, short question – and I’m expecting an HONEST answer. 

Why aren’t you BETTER that you are (and I mean that from EVERY perspective in your life)?

Surely, you desire, you want to be better, you want to grow, improve and have lasting change?

So, why aren’t you living the life of your greatest dreams and visions, right now?

Watch the video and let’s get to the bottom of this …


Action for today:

Remember… ALL you have in life has been created by:

  1. What you DID.
  2. What you DIDN’T DO… (but knew you could have).
  3. Or lastly, and this is the one that really trips people up…
    “Yeah but Diederik, what if you get hit by a bus or you are in a tsunami or fall off a horse and break your neck, are you responsible for the bus hitting you or the tsunami?”

Chris Howard taught me this; No of course not, but you are responsible for how you RESPOND to what happens to you. 

How have you responded in the past? And how are you going to respond now, after reading this blog and watching the video? 

It all comes down to whether you want RESULTS (in your life) or whether you are happy with having REASONS. 



Click here to listen to the podcast

See below to read the transcription

It’s Diederik Gelderman here

Let me start by asking you a question, why aren’t you better? Surely you desire more growth, more improvement and lasting positive change. Or am I hallucinating here?

If we were having this conversation 3 years from today, and you were looking back over those 3 years, what has to have happened in your life both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress?”

Would you be happy, three years from now, if essentially nothing had changed in your life?

Okay – I’m going to assume that if you are still here with me, that you would NOT be happy if in three years, the status quo had not changed.

So why aren’t you living the life of your greatest ambitions right now? Time and time again you have made declarations and goals about ‘turning your life around, turning your practice around’, but nothing happens, or at least not to the extent that you hope for.

Or, if you’re lucky, maybe a small fraction of that dream was even realized and thus you put it in the ‘too hard basket’, the basket of ‘I tried but it didn’t work’ and so you take this desire, this dream this ambition and you put it back on the shelves to be lost within the mental confines of your unrealized dreams. 

I’ll ask you now – and I need your HONEST answer here, not some BS kind of excuse – like the ones you give your friends;

  • What keep’s getting in the way? 
  • Why aren’t you achieving what you want? 
  • Why aren’t you wealthier, healthier and in better shape and spending more time with your family and in the way you want your life to truly be? 

So let me give you MY answer – is it the same as yours.

The answer is, YOU, you have failed. 

You have failed to follow through and take a 100% accountability for your life. You believe that there are some outside factors involved in achieving your success and that they’ve let you down. 

I hate to break it to you but that belief is wrong and it’s time to Cut the BS. 

Just the other day, I heard a story of a woman who just got out of a strenuous 2-year long divorce battle and she was now realizing that in order to maintain the comforts of her lifestyle, she would need to get back to work and go into the workforce. This woman didn’t just want any other job. She wanted to live a life of her dreams and the time was now, yet weeks turn into months, months turned into years and still nothing had been done. While the woman would light up in every instance of discussing the idea of her dream while taking action and questions came about her progress she would come up and say, well something was stopping her. 

She came up with all sorts of stories;

  • She couldn’t get her site up because she was afraid of technology and it would take her time to figure it out
  • She believed hiring somebody would cost too much money which she didn’t have right now
  • The divorce had brought too much stress on her life
  • She lacked time because she had to focus in taking care of her mother or helping her adult children solve their current problem
  • She needed to finish her yearly taxes
  • She was not in a current good state of health, suffering knee problems frequently
  • She wasn’t working out enough
  • She needed to get back to her ideal weight before she could get started. 

There was always something. But what she neglected to see was that the only thing getting in the way of her dreams was herself. 

In my NLP training there was a wake-up call for me. Chris Howard our trainer said to us; “You can have Results or you can have Reasons. These Reasons seem very valid to the person using them, but to anyone else, they merely look like Excuses. So realistically in life you can have one of two things, you can have Results or you can have Excuses. Which of those two would you rather have?”

On that very day, I decided to accept responsibility for my own outcome and I started focusing on getting Results, not making up Reasons.

You see making excuses or reasons is easy. finding reasons to justify your problems, your worries and your pain and why you can’t do something right now is a piece of cake. 

But here is what most are unwilling to do: take 100% responsibility for their lives.

But you, not you right? Not anymore. I know that you’re different. Be the exception instead and focus on getting Results. I know that you can do it

Here is the way to remember that you are 100% responsible for your life and the way it is right now and the way it will be in the future. 

All you have in life has been created by either;

1. what you have done, 

2. by what you didn’t do but knew you should have done, could have done but chose not to or 

3. (and this is the one that really trips people up) – what if you get hit by a bus or in a Tsunami or fall off a horse and break your neck, are you responsible for the bus hitting you or a Tsunami? Of course not but you are responsible how you respond to what happens to you. And the answer is of course not. However – you ARE responsible for the way you RESPOND /REACT to that situation. You can respond positively or negatively and the choice is ENTIRELY yours.

Before my training, I would respond in a ‘woe is me’ manner. Thankfully I realized this error (once again thanks to Chris Howard) and changed my outlook many years ago. 

When I learnt this, my life forever changed because I took my power back. 

  • I learned that only I had the power to make my biggest goals and dreams to come true. 
  • I was the only one that can make it happen, not the president, not the government, not the economy, not the conditions of the world, or my business or my friends or my business partners, or my team, or my family, or, or, or. 

I stopped depending and blaming anything other than myself and then I was free. 

I hope that today is the day for you too, so that you can finally free yourself from self-imposed shackles and leap confidently and fully in the directions of your dreams. 

Your power mantra for today: “I take 100% responsibility for every condition in my life.”

Write it down, post it up, make a picture of it, put it on your phone, make it a screen saver and start living it wholeheartedly and fully today because that is what separates you from the rest of the world. Because while everyone else is blaming their problems or unfulfilled dream on something else, you are the one that rises above, you transform problems into opportunities, you make life happen for you and you are not subject to it happening to you. 

Remember this famous quote, “No excuses” 

If you haven’t achieved your dreams it’s your own damn fault. Challenge everyone in your life to step up and take control. 

And if you want a hand to make this process easier for you and your practice, then keep your eyes peeled – there’s something BIG coming that will change your life.